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Hyra Minigarngreier 400H®

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Hyra minigarngreier 400H® er først og fremst tiltenkt småskala yrkesfiskere og hobbyfiskere med båter fra 5m og oppover.

400H® er liten og lett og den gjør jobben med å greie garnene like godt ombord på en liten fiskebåt, som en stor garngreier gjør det ombord på større fiskebåter. Vekten er lav og utgjør liten destabiliserende faktor. 400H er lett å montere og demontere, det gjør det enklere å skifte til annet fiskeri.

400H® kan kobles til båtens hydraulikk, eller brukes med elektrisk hydraulikkpumpe tilkoblet 12V eller 24V batteri. 

Hyra minigarngreier 400H® er en garngreier og skal ikke brukes som en etterhaler.

Hyra Minigarggreier 400H®


HYRA MINIGARNGREIER 400H® is first and foremost designed for small-scale fishermen and hobby fishermen with boats longer than 5 meters.

400H® is small and light and does the job of clearing the fishing-nets on board a small fishing boat as well as a grander net-clearer do among greater boats. The weight is low and constitutes but a small destabilizing factor. 400H is easy to dismantle, which makes it easier to move out of the way to the advantage of other forms of fishing onboard.

400H® can be connected to the boat's hydraulics or with an electric hydraulic pump connected to a 12V or a 24V battery. HYRA a/s sells this as an accessory. 

HYRA MINIGARNGREIER 400H® is a net-clearer and shall not be used for dragging the nets up from the water.




Netto weight: 17kg             

inner width: 400mm

Outer width: 520mm (with engine: 620mm)

Maximum width incl. net-catcher brackets: 700mm

Height: 380mm

The hydraulic control unit is mounted on the net-clearer Hoses between the engine and the hydraulic control unit are standard. 

HYRA MINIGARNGREIER400® is built in aluminum and acid-proof steel.

Recommended liters of oil per minute: 12-18 liters max: 20 liters

For larger pumps, use a reduction valve.

Standard hydraulic coupling is 3/8"


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Additional equipment for

              Hyra Minigarngreierer 400H®


 360° turntable with welding plate

The turntable gives Hyra Minigarngreier a free rotation of 360°, with a grip that makes it easy to lock into any wanted position. The turntable makes the Hyra Net-clearers a more useful tool onboard. The turntable lays on a Teflon lining which gives a smooth rotation of the net-clearer.

The welding plate has good room for alternative suspension. 

By ordering a turntable with a 400H, it's delivered pre-mounted.

360° Turntable with suspension for Hyra Rigg 

If you are getting the Hyra Rigg® along with the Hyra minigarngreier 400H, we recommend this suspension. The turntable had the same properties as the Turntable with wielding plate, but this is a suspension designed for the Rigg.  The turntable lays on a Teflon lining which gives a smooth rotation to the net-clearer.

The suspension has an internal Teflon lining, which makes it easier to move the net-clearer back and forth on the boom, and makes it easy to lock into the desired position.

By ordering the turntable along the 400H, it will be delivered pre-mounted. 

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